TIDBIT | What If Deadpool Met Daredevil

Building off the magnificent movie review of Deadpool by Brian Minton from last month and Daredevil Season 2 on Netflix is about to arrive on March 18, let's explore the What If their worlds collided. Let's recap, Deadpool is an assassin and mercenary with sassy mouth while Daredevil is a lawyer by day and vigilante with enhanced senses including supernatural sight by night. Before their respective mainstream attention on-screen, they were lost in obscurity with all other B and C heroes and heroines. Now we have 2 heroes who have similar costumes with different personas:

Now that we have a visual of what these heroes look like, let the speculation begin with the What If Deadpool and Daredevil met for the greater good. First, seeing the grittiness of Daredevil combined with the carefree attitude of Deadpool would be a surreal sight to both the hardcore and the casual fan alike. Say a scenario where Deadpool teams up with Daredevil to take on the anti-vigilante, The Punisher. We can see it now, Deadpool infuriating The Punisher with his words and humor alone while Daredevil stealthily flanks their enemy down from the side. Imagine this scenario where Daredevil looks to take on Deadpool himself. It would be the trademark cane of Daredevil vs the trademark katanas of Deadpool. In that case, it could go either way, however with Daredevil's enhanced sense, this would likely tilt the victory of to him.

Who do you think Deadpool and Daredevil would be the best team against? 


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