REACTION | CW DC Mega Crossover



Tomorrow with Supergirl starts this year's DC CW Crossover events. First and foremost, I always felt that Supergirl should have started off on the CW network when it first aired it's freshman season on CBS. Now with it's second season on the CW, I felt that the events of "Flashpoint" (from The Flash) should have brought Supergirl to the same earth as Arrow, Flash and Legends of Tomorrow. This would balance out some of the dark tones happening on Earth-1 with Supergirl's lighter tone.

With those quick thoughts out in the open, this week is unprecedented as it will showcase characters from all 4 CW DC Shows interacting with each other. From my perspective, those interactions are most likely to take center stage above the actual conflict of heroes vs aliens. Similar to an NBA All-Star Game, where the players do NOT play alongside each other everyday fight for a common cause. It will be a magnificent sight to the chemistry and relationships develop by the end of this week.

There was a mention of Supergirl / Kara Danver's interaction with Sara Lance. There are times in our lives when we feel that we have the upper hand similar to Sara then we meet some like Kara Danvers who is foreign to us out of the blue and are humbled. Even though Sara does not have any Super abilities per se, she still can give Kara an strategy or two that she does NOT already have in her arsenal. Calling it right now that Kara will push Sara into becoming an even better Captain for the Legends team. It will be a struggle if the Legends do cross paths with Rip Hunter again down line, who may look to become their Captain once again. 

There has also been mention of John Diggle's reaction to Kara, which should be even more fun for us as the audience and even more for him to process compared to his reaction after first seeing Barry Allen as The Flash. However, what is just as interesting is the reactions of Oliver Queen and even Dr. Ray Palmer. Both of these individuals have encountered Meta Humans before, however Supergirl is not just a Meta Human, she is an alien with abilities that surpass those of a Meta Human. Additionally, what is also amazing is that she looks just like them and is not a shapeshifter. Let's not forget our honorable mention, The Martian Manhunter, who is a shapeshifting alien. I would love to see J'onn J'onzz shapeshift into any one of those heroes just to mess with their minds without using his telepathy. 

One last thought to close us out here is that, I have a feeling there will be a major event changes that adds to the individual stories of each of the 4 shows ... possible death ... possible allegiance change ... possible additional Superhero (Tyler Hoechlin's Superman, please, CW are you listening?) ... we shall see.


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